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6 Benefits of Using Alternative Energy for Life

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.05.16
6 Benefits of Using Alternative Energy for Life

From time to time, the topic of the benefits of alternative energy is widely discussed by the community. This is inseparable from the impact of climate change and the increasing global average temperature.

Do not let human dependence on fossil fuels or coal become a boomerang for life. This is because fossil fuels are a major contributor to environmental pollution.

However, what exactly are the benefits of alternative energy? And what are some examples of its use? More information can be listened to below.

What are the benefits of alternative energy?

In general, the benefits of alternative energy are all kinds of uses or benefits obtained from renewable energy sources and will never run out.

In Indonesia, alternative energy sources are very abundant. It starts from exposure to the sun during the summer, the flow of the river, and the waves of the sea, wind, and much more. This type of alternative energy source will never run out and is natural. Thus, it does not pollute the environment.

However, on the other hand, there are several types of non-renewable energy sources that can run out in a short time, such as oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear power.

Examples of alternative energy sources that do not produce pollution

Let's study some examples of the benefits of alternative energy or renewable energy sources that do not produce pollution or environmental pollution and include:

1. The power of ocean waves

The first alternative energy benefit, for example, is the power of ocean waves or tides. This energy is obtained by making ropes along the shoreline. Furthermore, the tides will make the water flow to the generator turbine. Thus, generating electricity that is supplied to power plants

2. Sunlight and solar power

Examples of the benefits of alternative energy like this one may already be widely known. Usually, it is produced from solar panels mounted on the roof of a building or house. Furthermore, the absorbed sunlight will be converted into a flow of electrical energy or solar thermal power.

3. Biomass

Thanks to technological advances, more and more areas or villages are now implementing the benefits of alternative energy from biomass, especially from the processing of waste or livestock manure.

Natural gas, produced from the benefits of alternative energy from biomass, can be used by the community to replace LPG gas when cooking or other fuel sources.

4. Hydroelectric

Furthermore, an example of the benefits of alternative energy is hydroelectricity. As the name implies, the benefits of alternative energy are generated from water or hydro that is flowed to drive turbines for generating electricity.

5. Windmill

The advantages of alternative energy in the form of wind power are best applied in areas with high wind speeds, such as the tops of hills, savanna, or coastal areas.

Relying on alternative energy from air flow, later windmills or wind power will turn turbines to generate electricity generators. The faster the wind speed, the greater the electricity generated.

6. Geothermal

Finally, an example of the application of alternative energy benefits is geothermal or geothermal. Later, the hot steam generated from within the Earth's crust will be channeled to the turbine generator. Thus, the turbine can rotate continuously to generate electricity.

Alternative energy does not face the threat of extinction or will never run out

When compared to other energy sources such as oil, coal, or nuclear power, the benefits of alternative energy are still relatively greater.

Alternative energy is an energy source that can be renewed or created continuously by nature. For examples include sunlight, wind, and sea waves.

In other words, alternative energy sources will never run out and do not face the threat of extinction of oil or coal. Meanwhile, nuclear energy is predicted to be clean energy. Apparently, facing the threat of mining risks as well as exposure to nuclear radiation is bad for your health.

The benefits of alternative energy help stabilize our economy

The good news is that the benefits of alternative energy can have a positive influence on the economic stability of a community. Why is that? Because, from time to time, renewable energy sources or alternative energy benefits are much cheaper; some even supply electricity for free or for free.

An example of the use of alternative energy benefits is biomass power, which flows LPG gas from processing waste or livestock manure of villagers. Residents whose houses are located near biomass waste processing do not need to buy LPG gas or pay electricity fees every month. Because you already get it for free. This is certainly very useful and helps the economy of the villagers around the processing of biomass waste.

On the other hand, in terms of employment, there are many alternative energy sources that open up new jobs for local residents. They are empowered or employed. Thus, it can help improve the standard of living of local communities.

It's time to switch to alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly

It is time for us to support government programs aimed at preserving nature. Let's switch to using the unlimited and cost-effective alternative energy benefits!

Hyundai Motors supports the environmentally friendly concept by presenting various types of LCGC (low-cost green car) electric cars. From the Hyundai Blue On, Hyundai Creta, and Hyundai KONA to the Hyundai IONIQ and a slew of other cutting-edge electric vehicles.

Accompany every activity and your journey to achieve success, but still, keep the planet Earth sustainable with Hyundai Motorstudio.