
Sustainable Infrastructure: Definition, Examples and Explanation

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.05.16
Sustainable Infrastructure: Definition, Examples and Explanation
The concept of sustainable infrastructure development can be used to improve the quality of life in all aspects. Unfortunately, not so many people understand this concept. What exactly is meant by sustainable infrastructure development?

Definition of Sustainable Infrastructure Development

Sustainable infrastructure development is a development concept that does not only focus on meeting current needs, and without reducing, compromising, and destroying the environment. This is done so that future generations still get a decent environment to live in. And can feel the various benefits of natural resources that are still available.

Legally Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Indonesia

The concept of sustainable development initiated will have an impact on the impact of development carried out on a large scale. However, it does not pay attention to the environment resulting from the development.

In Indonesia, sustainable development has been regulated in several laws. If used excessively, the next generation cannot enjoy the existence of Natural Resources. Simply put, only the current generation is prosperous, future generations will not.

In addition, in Article 4 of Law no. 4 of 1982 also states that from environmental management, namely the implementation of environmentally sound development for current and future generations.

This rule of play also serves to reduce the potential for environmental pollution from air pollution, waste, and other substances.

That way, every party who wants to carry out development must follow the rules of environmental management. So, in addition to improving the economic standard of the community, development can also improve the quality of life.

Sustainable Infrastructure Development Goals

The main goal of sustainable development is of course to improve people's welfare by paying attention to the environment. Here's another goal of this concept.

1. End Poverty

The goal of the concept of sustainable development is for all people to have equal access to improve their standard of living. This access is in the form of the right to get the opportunity to access economic resources (employment).

This concept also gives access to the community to use land for economic purposes. However, they still pay attention to environmental conditions by not destroying the land.

2. Healthy and Prosperous Life

The target of this goal is to reduce maternal mortality during childbirth, as well as premature infant deaths. This is done by increasing access to services in the health sector for all levels of society. That way, people's welfare can increase without destroying the surrounding environment.

3. The availability of Clean Water and Sanitation for All

In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to achieve several targets, including providing access to the use of clean water and proper sanitation for all people. To achieve this target, it is necessary to manage water sources so that they can be used properly.

To keep water sources clean, it is necessary to supervise the disposal of waste. Before being disposed of, it should be managed first so that hazardous chemicals do not damage air sources and the environment.

4. Building an Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Environment

The goal of sustainable development is to provide access to decent, safe, comfortable, and affordable housing for all people. In this way, the quality of life of the people will increase.

In addition, sustainable development can also increase access to appropriate and safe transportation to support public life. However, public transportation is used to pay attention to the environment.

Principles of Sustainable Infrastructure Development

In the concept of sustainable development, it is necessary to pay attention to various principles. Here are the principles.

1. Equity (Equity)

The principle of equity or equity is a plan in sustainable development to reduce economic and social problems in society.

This is necessary to provide opportunities for equal access in using development facilities for all members of the community.

2. Economy

The concept of a sustainable development approach in the economic sector focuses on improving the skills of workers. It aims to increase competitiveness to get decent work.

Increasing the sector in every economic activity requires the development of basic infrastructure to support people's lives, such as settlements, roads, water sources. and others. However, the development also pays attention to the environment.

3. Energy

The energy principle when infrastructure development pays attention to the use of efficient energy. This can be done by building infrastructure that utilizes natural energy, such as sunlight to illuminate a room.

4. Ecology

The principle of ecology is sustainable development that pays attention to environmental preservation. This can be done by developing infrastructure that uses land as efficiently as possible.

This principle is also very necessary in preparing urban planning. Starting from the availability of green open land, integrated transportation, and limiting the existence of excessive urban expansion.

5. Engagement (Participation)

Sustainable development needs community participation in implementing it. Both the community and the government need to participate in the application of this concept. This is so that sustainable development can be carried out optimally.

Examples of Sustainable Infrastructure Development

Sustainable development needs to pay attention to three main supporting sectors, namely the economic sector, the social sector, and the environmental sector. The following is an example of development that pays attention to this sector. 

1. Construction of a Gold Mine

The construction of a gold mine can certainly improve the economic sector of the community in the surrounding environment because it creates job opportunities.

Then, gold mining development also needs to pay attention to the social sector of the community, namely empowering and providing facilities for the surrounding environment.

After that, the construction of a gold mine also needs to pay attention to the state of the surrounding environment. This is done by covering the former mine excavation with soil again so as not to create holes that can endanger the community.

2. Factory Construction

In the construction of a factory, the manager also needs to pay attention to the economic, social, and environmental sectors as well. A factory needs to create jobs to improve the local economy.

The factory can also provide training on the skills needed in the industry as well as distribute social assistance to local communities in need.

Meanwhile, to meet the environmental sector, factories can treat the waste and pollution released. It aims to reduce chemical substances that can damage the environment and threaten public health.

3. Office Development

The office is built to support business activities. In the construction of offices, it will certainly improve the community's economic sector, through the opening of job opportunities.

Then, the office can also provide skills training assistance for the community so that they can compete in the world of work. This can fulfill the social sector of the concept of sustainable development.

After that, offices can use renewable energy, such as using solar panels to generate electricity. That way, offices can meet the environmental sector by reducing electricity use.

The concept of sustainable development is needed in all aspects. It is intended that the welfare of the community can be increased followed by the preservation of environmental conditions for the future.

That way, not only the current generation can enjoy the existing natural resources. However, it can also be enjoyed by future generations.