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7 Tips for Buying a New Car That Fits Your Needs and Budget-Friendly

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.05.04
7 Tips for Buying a New Car That Fits Your Needs and Budget-Friendly

Tips for buying a new car are important to understand before actually deciding which car to choose. Currently, the car has undergone various developments, especially in its features, such as safety features and various technical services that make it easy. This is due to the increasing number of users and car enthusiasts in this decade in various parts of the world.

But unfortunately, buying a new car is not an easy matter. One has to spend quite a lot of money. In Indonesia, it costs around 100 million rupiahs to get a new car that is already pretty cool.

That kind of money is not small, and therefore, one should really consider it carefully before buying a new car.

Tips for Buying a New Car: Select As Necessary

There are two types of people who want to buy a new car. First, for his needs. Second, for a desire or hobby. Well, for those who buy a car for a desire or hobby, it will not be a problem as long as the finances are sufficient.

So that it does not create a financial burden that will make it difficult in the future. If the money is just mediocre, then being able to buy a car that really suits your needs is enough.

Some people often make mistakes in buying a car. Specifically, buying a new car with a trade-in system. The average buyer owes about 70 million rupiahs from the last car to his new loan.

In this case, people pay for cars they no longer drive. From here, it can be seen that the financial strategy is not right. Therefore, we share some tips on buying a new car that can adjust the pocket and type according to your needs.

1. Figure out how much you can afford to spend on a car

Looking at the current development of the automotive world, the price of a car varies quite a bit from one another. But from here, used cars have a more affordable price than new cars. The brand and year of manufacture also affect the price.

So do not buy a car that is beyond your financial capabilities. Just adjust to your needs and ability to pay. According to, the market price of used cars is currently in the range of 20 million and above.

If you want to buy a new car, you have to prepare around 100 million rupiah and above. And if you plan to buy a car with a credit system, then make sure the money to pay in installments is no more than 30% of your current income.

2. Get Pre-Approval to Get a Loan Before Coming to a Car Dealer

Get loan approval before actually coming to the car dealer. This applies to people who do buy a car by borrowing money. Because it is very important and related to the car selection process later.

The best way to make the right choice of car is to get pre-approved for a car loan. Either a credit union, a loan from a bank, or something else.

Getting a loan outside of a car dealership will be very beneficial for potential car buyers. They will adjust the funds when choosing the right model and type of car.

This method is more effective than making someone choose a car first. Because they might fall in love with a certain type of car that the dealer offers, even though it doesn't necessarily fit their needs.

In addition, doing credit with loans in collaboration with dealers is very risky. Because of the cooperation system, dealers are allowed to raise prices that should be higher. So that your credit score can go up and burden your finances.

3. Make sure to choose a dealer who has a good and professional service track

Although there are lots of car dealers who offer promos, bonuses, and so on, not all of them can provide professional services. Does buying a car also pay attention to the credibility of the dealer? Of course, with certainty, the answer is yes.

One should choose a dealer who is experienced and has good trust in the community. They definitely won't set a ridiculous price and then think to lie to you.

In addition, it is proven by friendly service. This will make it easier for buyers to make complaints or claim guarantees in the future. Be sure to pay attention to these car buying tips.

4. Keep it Simple When Going to the Dealer

The next car buying tip is to focus on one thing at a time. What are the needs and requirements needed? Try not to tell the seller too much, and get him to pick up on what you want.

Because this is a game to attract and make buyers feel they have to choose a particular car. The first step is to determine the price of the vehicle in accordance with the finances.

Don't answer a lot of tricky dealer questions, such as whether you're planning to trade cars or how. Because the dealer will still play and make a profit.

Make sure, before coming to the dealer, you also do a little research online. So that the buyer has an understanding of the purpose. If you truly want to trade in a car, make sure they pay a high price for it and don't undervalue the used car.

Buy a new car if the trade-in method makes the used car priced at a low rate.

5. Choose the Type of Car That Fits Your Needs

Tips for buying which car suits your needs can be found by adjusting the type. This will answer the question of what kind of car people actually require. So, it doesn't spread anywhere.

a. Useful Cars for Daily Routines

If the buyer wants to find a car that is useful for daily needs such as routines to the office, then they can choose a compact one. Like a hatchback or city car. The selection is based on the advantages.

That is, it can make it easier for users to maneuver in traffic jams. In addition, in terms of fuel, compact cars are also quite efficient. However, the drawback is that it cannot accommodate many passengers and is less comfortable for long trips.

b. Family Activity Support

Tips for buying a car for those who are already married should look for the right one for many passengers. This type of multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) is suitable for those who want to pick up their children from school and for their daily needs.

This MVP-type car is able to carry many passengers and luggage. It is just right if you want to take it to go home, for shopping, sightseeing, or other activities with your family.

c. Adventure Car Type

The current type of car is not only to meet the needs of the community but also to support hobbies and desires. Sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and sedans are popular choices for automotive enthusiasts to accompany them on their adventures.

This type of SUV is able to accompany both light and heavy field trips. Even capable of devouring light off-road terrain for some of its types. But for the sedan type, it's more for long roads and light terrain.

6. Make sure the car has a warranty

Getting a warranty only happens when you buy a new car. And, of course, not when buying a used car. The existence of a warranty will make a person calmer when a problem occurs in a vehicle that has just been purchased.

Car warranties vary but generally cover various types of maintenance for 3 years or 100,000 kilometers. As for the bad warranty, it's only a matter of one year.

7. Go for a Test Drive

The last tip for buying a car is to take a test drive first. Because buyers can directly feel the experience of driving by using a car and take it into consideration.

Those are some tips for buying a new car that you can apply later. Hopefully, this information can help and become an important reference for you.