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Environmental Sustainability: Explanation and Example

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.08.11
Environmental Sustainability: Explanation and Example

Human existence is closely related to environmental health. Humans need clean air to breathe, fresh water to drink, and a place to cover from danger.

Environmental sustainability is the answer to all problems related to the environment, as well as saving the future. Along with the exploitation of nature to meet the industrial need, humans should protect it by implementing eco-friendly practices.

According to WHO, 24% of deaths worldwide are closely related to environmental conditions. In simple, improving the environment automatically improves the quality of life of the entire ecosystem.

What is Environmental Sustainability?

The basic idea of ​​environmental sustainability is meant to protect nature so the future generations can enjoy the same, or even better, environment.

Environmental sustainability means the responsible act to protect natural resources and protect global ecosystems for the present and the future. That means, the process of meeting the current needs should not interfere the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Many decisions related to environmental sustainability are not felt now, but for the future. It focuses on improving the quality of human life without harming the ecosystems, and it is about balancing human needs and the availability of existing resources.

This condition can be achieved if humans do not waste the current resources, which is not easy in practice. The fast-growing human population triggers more carbon emissions and deforestation which means humans need more materials and energy than ever before.

For this reason, humans must take part in saving the earth by implementing responsible living practices such as reducing waste, using renewable energy, and implementing environmental sustainability.

In other words, environmental sustainability is the practice of interacting with nature responsibly.

Environmental Sustainability Principle

Apart from its benefits for the environment and living beings, environmental sustainability has many positive sides through several principles, especially for economic and social aspects.

1. Economic Sustainability

Economically, environmental sustainability is the responsibility of the company and the community to use their resources responsibly and efficiently. Economic sustainability is designed to support long-term economic growth without depleting natural resources and harming the environment.

2. Social Sustainability

Implementing an environmental sustainability principle allows for a socially and mentally healthy lifestyle to avoid of going out for treatment. Social sustainability aims to reduce hunger, poverty, and improve the quality of life.

Utilizing renewable sources means reducing drought because not many water sources are being depleted, for example. Currently, only 3% of water is categorized as clean water. Simply put, a starving individual will take whatever from nature, which is a drain on resources.

3. Development Sustainability

The main focus of development sustainability is to maintain the planet so it remains habitable for the future. This point requires anyone to live without producing waste, including redeveloping existing resources.

Examples of Environmental Sustainability

All the damage can actually be handled through the implementation of environmental sustainability. Although the application is not easy, implementing environmental sustainability practices is a must.

1. Nature Conservation

Protecting natural resources refers to living practices that use resources such as water, energy, and raw materials from nature efficiently and ethically.

The trick: use energy-saving lamps and reduce the use of water for various purposes. Choosing non-toxic products and changing the production process to avoid emissions are examples of the application of environmental sustainability.

2. Prevent Pollution

Pollution can occur in the air, soil and water. Preventing pollution means reducing waste at the source, even eliminating it. Reducing pollution also means preventing a carbon footprint.

The trick: avoid packaged products and use recycled materials. Instead of using a tissue, use a rag to clean the dirt. In addition, apply conservation techniques to all activities.

3. Responsible

Responsibility in environmental sustainability means utilizing the available natural resources and energy efficiently. This social responsibility touches all parties, from individuals, corporations, and the government.

The trick: don't buy prepackaged items and walk or ride a bike. When driving over long distances, choose the best route to reduce fuel consumption.

4. Innovation

Innovation can accelerate and revolutionize the environmental sustainability movement. The form can be in the products or processes with the main goal of environmental sustainability.

The trick: modifying product packaging so it is easier to reuse or recycle. Choosing the best quality products that offer a longer life, instead of cheap products that have to be replaced every year.

5. Zero Waste

A zero waste lifestyle means not creating any waste at all. It is difficult to implement, but it is not impossible. If zero waste feels too exaggerated, start with waste reduction.

The trick: buy products without packaging and avoid leftovers. The key is to avoid plastic because these products will almost certainly end up as garbage.

6. Zero Emission

Reducing carbon footprint means reducing emissions of carbon dioxide gas which is the biggest contributor to global warming. This is important to avoid the earth getting hotter.

The trick: use an eco-friendly like an electric vehicle, or at least use a fuel-efficient car. Take advantage of renewable energy such as solar panels or energy efficient lamps. Lastly, don't litter!