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5 Examples of Heat Energy Source and Their Application in Daily Life

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.06.08
5 Examples of Heat Energy Source and Their Application in Daily Life
So much energy provided by nature, along with its characteristics. Some popular energies are utilized such as mechanical energy, sound energy, electrical energy, light energy, wind energy and heat energy.

Among all, heat energy is the most widely applied in everyday life. This energy is important for daily routines such as cooking, ironing, and other activities. To produce heat, a system is needed.

What is Heat Energy?

Heat energy is a term used to describe the activity of molecules in an object that is moving dynamically will generate heat. Likewise, a molecule that tends to static produces a cold object. Interestingly, heat energy can be transferred to other objects.

Heat actually refers to the transfer of energy between objects, while temperature refers to the energy contained within objects. The transfer of heat to a new object increases its internal temperature, that's why heat can also be interpreted as the total of the heat energy of a system.

Heat energy arises due to the movement of subatomic particles such as ions and molecules in solid, gas, or liquid form. Heat transfer between objects can occur due to temperature differences.

If two objects have the same temperature, the transfer will not be possible. All matter in the world actually contains heat energy, even for ice blocks. However, the heat energy is very weak.

5 Sources of Heat Energy

A system or object that is capable of generating heat can be referred to as a source of heat energy. Nature has already provided various sources of heat energy that can be utilized, even for free.

1. Sun

It is the most natural and largest source of heat energy. Every second, the sun provides the heat energy the earth needs to support the life. We, humans, may not be able to see directly, but anything that visible is energy.

The heat energy from the sun is locked in the atoms, like a heart that is locked in a body that pumps the blood to all parts of the body. This is how the activity of heat energy in an object looks like.

This energy is responsible for making all living things survive. Whatever happens, from dropping items to explosions, all require energy.

What must understand the law of energy is that the amount of energy in the universe is constant. This means the energy can only be changed from one form to another and cannot be added or subtracted.

2. Earth

Earth can be a source of heat energy, even not as great as the sun. The heat energy produced by the earth is known as geothermal energy which can be found in hot springs. Geothermal heat can be found in liquid form, in magma, that is located deep in the earth's crust.

3. Air

The heat energy generated by air has been widely adopted, both for industrial and household needs. The utilization of air as a source of heat energy is indirect. Air is used to produce other types of energy at first, such as electrical energy or mechanical energy, before converted into heat energy.

4. Electric

Electrical energy is one of the most flexible types of energy, which can be converted into heat energy. Irons, heaters, and rice cookers are some examples of heat energy sourced from electrical energy.

Electricity can be produced by utilizing the sources according to the landscape. In areas with many rivers, electrical energy can be produced by water turbines. While in windy areas, wind turbines are able to produce the same amount of electrical energy.

5. Fuel

The process of burning fuel can be a source of heat energy. Fuel that has combustible substances are capable of producing energy when burned. Motorcycles, cars, and several types of water heaters have adopted this combustion system.

Combustion is an oxidation process between the oxidizing agent and the fuel. The fuel that produces combustion is not limited to gasoline or oil. Coal, wood, charcoal, and kerosene are other types of fuel which able to produce heat energy from the combustion process.

All types of fuels mentioned are indeed helpful for daily activities, but it must be understood that some of these fuels also threaten humans, the environment, and their ecosystems.

How are Heat Energy Sources Utilized?

To utilize heat energy sources, it must be converted and transferred first. At least, there are three ways to transfer heat energy.

Convection is a heat transfer process by moving the moving particles, which usually occurs in liquid and gaseous materials. An easy example, when a hot pot is given water, the water also turns hot.

Conduction is the transfer of heat that occurs due to molecular vibrations which usually occurs in solid materials. Radiation refers to the process of heat transfer using electromagnetic or infrared waves. Unlike the previous methods, the heat transfer process does not require any medium.

Regardless of the type, natural heat energy sources remain the best because they tend to be environmentally friendly. Heat energy can be converted into other energy that can help the life and the ecosystem.