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7 Impacts of Climate Change on Health

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.09.13
7 Impacts of Climate Change on Health

There are several the impact of climate change on human health that needs to be known. Starting from respiratory problems due to deteriorating air quality, decreased availability of food and water, to the impact on mental health.

Abundant resources obtained from nature become a boon for humans and other living things. However, the balance of nature must be maintained properly in order to provide benefits.

Otherwise, most human activities can cause environmental balance problems. For example, industrial activities that cause environmental pollution. Not only that, if not handled quickly, global warming and climate change conditions will threaten human survival.

Impact of Climate Change on Health

Quoted from Medical News Today, here are some of the impacts of climate change on human health that need to be known, including:

1. Infectious Diseases

Impact of climate change on health is that it can spread infectious diseases more quickly. With the onset of climate change this may allow for an increase in insect-borne infections or water-borne diseases.

This is due to extreme weather, increased rainfall patterns and the unpredictable length of the season, thereby increasing various triggers of infections and diseases that can attack humans. This condition is getting worse when the people of the world do not make efforts to control global warming.

2. Health Problems Due to Hot Weather

One of the other impacts of climate change is the emergence of disease disorders due to hot weather. As the earth's temperature increases, it can worsen and cause various health problems. Exposure to heat for too long can cause several health problems, including:

  • Muscle cramp.
  • Fatigue.
  • Drought that can lead to death.
  • Respiratory disorders.
  • Heart disorders.

From the various health problems above, it is vulnerable to occur in certain groups. Starting from children, adolescents, the elderly, socially isolated people, people with chronic health conditions and people with less economic stability.

In addition, the impact of climate change also causes various disasters that can threaten human life. For example, forest fires, dust storms, deteriorating air quality, decreased water availability and quality, until food supplies are reduced.

3. Breathing Disorders

One of the dangers of the impact of climate change for health is respiratory problems that need to be watched out for. This respiratory disorder is caused by worsening air pollution in the surrounding environment. Ozone, higher levels of dust and fine particulate matter in the air can degrade air quality which can worsen, or cause various health problems, including:

  • Cough
  • Throat irritation
  • Asthma
  • Pneumonia
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Chest pain
  • Lung cancer risk
  • Heart attack

4. Allergies

Allergic disorders are one of the dangers of climate change impacts. Warmer temperatures can increase pollen production. Increased carbon dioxide can lead to higher allergen levels from plants. These conditions can have a negative impact on health, including:

  • People who have asthma will experience symptoms more often and for longer.
  • Increased allergic sensitivity.
  • Deteriorating respiratory system.

The combination of more rainfall and increased heat can lead to increased humidity and mildew, especially indoor mold. This is what causes breathing problems.

5. Malnutrition

Food security is related to the dangers of climate change impacts on human health. With changes in weather, it affects food and crop production, which can affect harvest time and yields.

Food products can decline and their prices will rise, causing scarcity. People are forced to eat unhealthy food. Moreover, if the food is not processed cleanly or the basic ingredients of the food are almost rotten or imperfect. This poor diet causes malnutrition, hunger and obesity.

6. Mosquito Growth

When temperatures increase due to global warming, the growth of mosquitoes also increases. While we know, mosquitoes can potentially transmit various diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, and others.

If climate change continues, 4.7 billion people could be at risk of mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever by 2070.

7. Mental Health

The last impact of climate change is that it can affect mental health. Climate change can increase the risk due to natural disasters and extreme weather in various regions. The frequency of natural disasters and extreme weather that often occurs causes stress and trauma for victims who experience them.

The result of this phenomenon can be the loss of a home, injury, loss of property, or even the loss of a loved family member. Extreme heat has a more significant effect on people with mental health conditions.

According to experts, the increase in suicides can occur if the environmental conditions and the weather is getting hotter. Not only that, higher temperatures and climates also have an adverse effect on depression and other mental health disorders.

Well, that's the impact of climate change on health. Once we understand the dangers of climate change impacts, we need to move to address them. We need to maintain proper health and reduce the use of fossil fuels in our daily life.

Saving energy and starting to grow oxygen-producing plants can be one way that can be done. Another alternative in terms of mobility, you can use electric cars like Hyundai to reduce global warming. Because electric cars produce less carbon emissions .