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Sustainable Development Principles

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.10.21
Sustainable Development Principles

As we can see, national development continues to develop every day. As information technology becomes more sophisticated, the principle of sustainable development can be implemented rapidly.

However, the principle of sustainable development should apply a balance between the needs of the community and the green environment. Before discussing further about the principles of sustainable development, do you know what sustainable development is?

If not, let's see the full explanation of sustainable development and the principles of sustainable development below!

Definition of Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is development that maximizes existing natural resources and is well managed by humans.

Usually, sustainable development is considered as a sign that the country is moving forward, both in terms of economic, social, or political structure.

Not only that, sustainable development can help improve people's welfare and facilitate the fulfillment of needs without hampering development for the next generation.

Principles of Sustainable Development

Sustainable development has certain principles. The following are 5 principles of sustainable development, including:

1. Equity (Equity)

Equity or equity is the main target of sustainable development because it is expected to reduce social and economic inequalities in society.

Not only that, adhering to the principle of equity, the community will get a balance of opportunities.

2. Economy

From the economic side, the principle of sustainable development focuses more on improving the skills of workers, namely increasing competitiveness.

Increased competitiveness for jobs and better incomes has resulted in improved performance of basic infrastructure such as property, water systems and information infrastructure.

3. Energy

Energy saving must be done to implement sustainable development. There are several methods that can be done to save energy, including:

  • Save the use of existing energy sources.
  • Optimally use renewable energy
  • Prioritizing development for mass transportation.

4. Ecology

Ecology must also be preserved during the implementation of sustainable development. So that environmental conservation can be carried out optimally, things we can do, among others:

  • Ensure there is still green open space.
  • Use mixed soil.
  • Until the creation of a system that can make transportation and buildings well integrated.

5. Engagement (Participation)

Of course, sustainable development should be carried out with the participation of the community and the government must facilitate this.

One of the things that the government can do to assist the community in playing an active role in sustainable development is to accommodate public aspirations.

The community can play a role in the sustainable development process and the government acts as a facilitator of community empowerment that can accommodate the aspirations of the community.

Sustainable Development Concept

Sustainable development aims to help improve people's welfare.

This is the concept of sustainable development, among others:

  • Utilizing natural resources optimally so that there is no waste and no environmental damage.
  • Manage natural resources properly so that they can be used for the future.
  • Maintaining the quality of human life now and in the future.
  • The development carried out must be able to increase renewable natural resources.

Sustainable Development Indicators

To see how the goals can be achieved or not, several markers are needed that can be used as benchmarks.

In order to see the success of sustainable development, here are some indicators, including:

1. Sustainable Ecology

The important thing to ensure sustainable development can be long-lived is the environment because it is the future generations that will inhabit this earth.

In ensuring ecological sustainability, we can protect and maintain an environment with biodiversity so that life support systems remain.

2. Sustainable Economy

On the economic side, sustainable development has 2 main things. The first is macroeconomics which ensures that the economy continues to run in a sustainable manner by increasing economic efficiency by means of national and structural reforms.

Second, the existence of a sectoral economy that ensures the achievement of natural resources with economic value that can be calculated as capital within the economic framework.

3. Sustainable Socio-Cultural

Another indicator to ensure sustainable development can be achieved or not is from the socio-cultural aspect. The success of socio-cultural sustainable development can be seen from:

  • Cultural diversity is maintained.
  • Stability of the population's ability to meet basic needs.
  • Increased participation of local communities in decision-making.

4. Sustainable Politics

Sustainable development also needs to pay attention to the political aspect. To find out whether political sustainable development can be successful, you can look at the following indicators:

  • A fair, responsible and transparent democratic process
  • Individuals are given the freedom to participate in the political, economic, and social fields
  • Respected human rights

5. Sustainable Defense and Security

Finally, indicators of sustainable development from the defense and security aspects. In this aspect, the success or failure of sustainable development can be seen from the capability in facing various kinds of challenges and disturbances. Well, directly and indirectly, and how to handle it well.

In general, sustainable development is one of the important things if a country wants to continue to develop.

However, what needs to be remembered is that sustainable development needs to be carried out by optimizing existing natural resources and contributing to improving people's welfare, or at least reducing existing gaps.

So, that was an explanation of the definition and principles of sustainable development. Hopefully it can inspire and broaden our horizons to continue environmentally friendly development.