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7 Ways to Reduce Greenhouses Effect at Home

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.08.15
7 Ways to Reduce Greenhouses Effect at Home

More efforts are needed to make the future better, one of which is by minimizing the greenhouse effect. But, how to reduce the greenhouse effect?

Climate change is fueled by greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide, and this must be the focus if we want to make a better environment. Starting from the industrial revolution, the accumulated gas emissions have spread in the atmosphere to an alarming degree.

Climate mitigation must be done by stopping adding gas emissions while increasing the earth's ability to absorb carbon. In short, more than one solution is needed to prevent the earth from getting warmer.

How to Reduce the Greenhouse Effect?

Consuming less energy, cycling instead of riding, and switching to renewable energy are examples of activities that can reduce a carbon footprint. Here are ways to reduce the greenhouse effect at home.

1. Reduce Electricity Usage

By reducing the consumption of electricity, especially that produced from fossils, the emission that triggers the greenhouse effect can be significantly reduced. Globally, electricity contributes to ¼ of the carbon emissions.

Including steps to reduce electricity usage, replacing the conventional lamps with LED. There are also tricks that keep buildings more efficient, by using glass to reflect the heat or air conditioners that don't generate heat.

In urban and suburban environments, green roofs can reduce heat in the building on a hot day and reduce the effects of heat.

2. Reduce Food Waste

Currently, 5 of the carbon emissions come from livestock that are used to supply meat. When livestock such as cows digest food and burp, methane is released. The same with fertilizers that release carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.

Both methane, carbon and nitrogen are among the most dangerous greenhouse gasses. The problem is that forests that absorb carbon are diminish.

In short, consuming foods derived from plants can reduce emissions. Vegetables, fruit, rice, and wheat are examples of recommended foods. If half the world's population consumes food from nature, 90 gigatons of carbon dioxide could be prevented for the next 30 years.

3. Zero Emissions Travel

The way we travel today still relies on fossil gas. In fact, the burning of fuel accounts for 14% of global gas emissions. To reduce emissions, switching to alternative technologies is highly recommended.

The best example is switching to an electric car when you want to travel over long distances, or using a bicycle if you are traveling in short distances. Using public transportation, cycling or walking can reduce the number of vehicles on the road and reduce the greenhouse effect.

Each city can make it easier for its residents to reduce their carbon footprint by adding bus routes, bike lanes, or sidewalks.

4. Zero Emissions Production

Large industries and factories are among the largest users of energy. Not only depleting energy reserves, but triggering massive greenhouse gasses at the same time.

The majority of the products we buy are manufactured by factories which account for 20% of greenhouse emissions on a global scale.

Using materials that are not taken from fossils is the first step. For example, cement actually releases carbon dioxide when it hardens, but there are now substitutes that provide a similar function.

The same example, bioplastics produced from plants can be an alternative to plastics from fossils. For large-scale industries, companies must use renewable energy sources to power factories and move their products with fuel-efficient cargo.

5. Plant a Tree

Besides reducing carbon dioxide in the air, we must prevent the circulation of carbon. The tools needed to prevent carbon have been provided by nature, trees.

So, planting trees, plants, or herbs will increase the carbon absorption. The more trees are planted, the more carbon is absorbed so the greenhouse effect can be reduced. Trees are useful for absorbing carbon while producing pure oxygen.

Currently, carbon dioxide absorbing technology is still being developed which will be able to reduce the greenhouse effect in large quantities.

6. Switch to Renewable Energy

Electricity is one of the most needed forms of energy. The problem is, the majority of electricity production still uses fossil fuels. To reduce the greenhouse effect, use solar panels.

Because it does not use fossil fuels, this renewable energy does not produce a greenhouse effect that is released into the atmosphere.

Nuclear energy also does not trigger the greenhouse effect, though the radioactive waste is actually dangerous. Geothermal energy, hydro energy, wind turbines, and biomass are examples of renewable energy that can be utilized.

7. Avoid Buying New Products

New stuff means new trash. If you have to buy, choose a product that is not wrapped in excess packaging because it will end up being trash.

One example, fast fashion is generally cheap but often ends up being trash because the product quality is poor and trends change quickly. It is better to buy quality products because they are more durable.

Again, if you want to buy an electronic product, choose a laptop instead of a computer. The reason is, laptops use less energy than computers but are able to offer the same functions.