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5 Reasons Why We Should Not Litter

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.06.01
5 Reasons Why We Should Not Litter
Waste can be defined as a residual product that is not properly processed or reused. Garbage is a real threat to the environment and the ecosystem. That's why waste is classified as pollution because of its destructive characteristics on nature. But why we should not litter actually?

As an illustration, the damage caused by waste can take a physical form such as destroying the environment, or triggering a chemical reaction such as the spread of algae.

Regardless of its form, waste will damage the ecosystem in the long run if we don’t take any precaution, even the simple one. So, the most ideal way to prevent waste is not to make the waste itself.

Bad Effects of littering

Littering has disastrous consequences for the environment, especially for land, water and air. Any garbage can pose a number of problems because of its ability to trigger various types of pollution, besides being a breeding ground for insects and other small animals. That's why we should not litter.

1. Damages Water Ecosystem

Especially for plastic products, this type of waste is not easily decomposed or parsed by nature. So, when plastic is carried away by the river flow, this garbage will end up in the sea and endanger any water ecosystem. Until now, plastic garbage takes up 90% waste in the ocean.

For example, turtles may misinterpret that straw waste is food. Garbage then hurts the turtle when it swallows and triggers health problems because it blocks the digestive system.

As you may know, some types of waste such as plastic cannot be broken down by the digestive system. Garbage in water also makes the water environment toxic from the chemicals that leak down.

2. Creates Visual Pollution

Any kind of garbage will turn an area dirty, reduce its aesthetic value and is unsightly. Not only that, it will trigger bacteria as well. Garbage attracts animals to look for leftovers, and is basically bad for the environment because it destroys natural resources.

The river flow becomes clogged because of garbage, and the effects are quite severe because it can trigger flooding. So, the damage is not only affected to nature, but to the visual as well.

3. Kills Animal

You cannot imagine how countless animals must have died because of garbage. Animals can be trapped or entangled in garbage before slowly dying. Junk items such as glass or other sharp objects can injure animals, even humans.

A number of chemicals in the waste may be ingested which produce toxic effects for the animal. The toxic can cause blood clots, seizures, or other health problems. Not only the water wildlife, the surrounding plants are also threatened because they are part of the ecosystem.

4. Triggers Soil and Air Pollution

Hazardous chemicals may decompose and pollute the nearby soil and water sources. The chemical then enters the human body through the food chain. It doesn't stop there! Garbage also causes air pollution when it decomposes and creates a bad smell.

Often, waste is burned just to get rid of it, but unfortunately this process releases various toxic chemicals into the air. Pollution can cause a problem for the respiratory system and other problems, both in humans and animals.

Garbage produces leachate (waste water), which is an organic compound with a high concentration that can reduce the oxygen levels of the soil and water. The effect will be disastrous if it contains heavy metal compounds such as cadmium, lead, and mercury.

5. Direct Danger

Some types of waste are also classified as flammable, which can trigger fires. Only needs a small spark before the fire grows and burns the surrounding area. It often happens if you throw cigarette butts carelessly. Garbage scattered on the road may trigger accidents as well.

Waste Prevention

Garbage is dangerous, no matter its form. As a reminder, even garbage that is dumped in the river behind the house can travel far to the ocean. Fortunately, there are simple solutions to reduce the waste.

1. Cleaning up

Garbage is dirt, that's why it has to be cleaned up. Cleaning is the most proactive approach to prevent waste and keeping the environment clean, while preventing various pollutants.

2. Reuse

Some types of waste can be reused in other forms. For example, plastic bottles can be used as flower pots, pencil pads, or others. As for used plastic snacks or soap, this type of waste can be created into bags or other creative products that provide benefits.

3. Increasing the Trash bins

The main reason why there is more garbage in the public space is the lack of trash bins. Another reason, the trash bins are over capacity and are not routinely disposed of. By increasing the number of trash bins and routinely disposed of, the waste can be reduced and the environment will remain clean.

4. Waste Education

Education about waste should be an important point in waste management. Humans are the largest cause of waste, so it should be the first focus, starting with basic education.

5. Rules and Punishments

The most effective tips to prevent waste is making strict rules along with penalties. Anyone will be more reluctant if there are any direct consequences that await, be it a fine or public punishment.

Basically, there is nothing positive about trash. That's why we should not litter. There are direct and indirect dangers from the waste for the sustainability of the ecosystem, regardless of its type. Again, the best way to prevent waste is to not produce the waste itself.