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Need Natural Insecticide without Chemical? Try This One!

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.05.27
Need Natural Insecticide without Chemical? Try This One!
Gardening at home is a very fun thing, especially during a pandemic like today. You need natural insecticide. Not only providing a supply of vegetables and fruits to the house, gardening also provides benefits for your mental health. Gardening at home also presents challenges for you, from the weather, weeds, insects, to soil fertility and crop conditions.

However, of course the results are worth the effort you take care of. Regarding pests and insects that often attack plants, often the solution is to use insecticide products, herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers that are already on the market.

However, these products are dubious because they can contain toxins that are harmful to plants and yourself. Well, the solution, why not make your own insecticide at home? The ingredients are easy to find, most of which are already in your kitchen.

Reporting from Treehugger, here are some natural insecticides that can be made at home

1. Vegetable oil spray

Homemade insecticide made from vegetable oil mixed with mild soap can have a bad impact on certain annoying insects, such as aphids, mites, and so on. In order to make this insecticidal oil spray, mix one cup of vegetable oil with one tablespoon of soap and close the spray bottle and shake thoroughly.

Then, when ready to apply, add two teaspoons of the oil mixture to a liter of water, shake thoroughly, and spray directly onto plants affected by small pests.

The oil grips the insect's body, effectively suffocating them,2 because it holds the pores through which they breathe.

2. Soap spray

A homemade natural insecticide that is very similar to an oil spray is a soapy water spray, which is also effective at controlling mites, aphids, whiteflies, beetles, and other small insects.

To make a basic insecticidal soap spray, mix a teaspoon and a half of mild liquid soap with a quart of water, and spray the mixture directly onto the infected plant's surface. Soapy water spray insecticides work in the same way as oil spray pesticides, and can be applied as needed.

However, it is always advisable not to apply it in the hot day, but in the evening or early morning.

3. Neem oil spray

The oil extracted from the seeds of the neem tree is a powerful natural insecticide, which can disrupt the life cycle of insects at all stages, including adults, larvae and eggs.

Neem oil acts as a hormone disruptor and as an "antifeidant" for insects that feed on leaves and other plant parts.

Neem oil is biodegradable and non-toxic to pets, birds, fish and other wildlife, and is effective against many common garden pests, as well as being a natural fungicide that can combat mold and other fungal infections in plants.

To use neem oil as an insecticide, with a basic mixture of two teaspoons of neem oil and one teaspoon of mild liquid soap, shaken with one liter of water, sprayed on the affected plants.

Neem oil can also be used preventively by spraying the leaves of plants that are often damaged by pests, before they are actually attacked.

4. Diatomaceous earth

This natural substance is made of sedimentary rock made by fossilized algae (diatoms), and is a fairly abundant resource.

Diatomaceous earth is said to make up 26 percent by weight of the Earth's crust. Diatomaceous earth has many uses in and around the home, and acts as its only natural insecticide.

This material works not by poisoning or smothering insects, but by virtue of its abrasive qualities and affinity for absorbing lipids (wax substances) from the insect's exoskeleton, which dehydrates it to death.

To apply, simply clean the soil on your plants, or even around you, help control slugs and slugs and other dropping insects. Due to its dry nature, in order to become a natural pesticide, diatomaceous earth needs to be reapplied effectively after every rain.

5. Garlic water spray

Garlic is renowned for its attractive aroma, which is pleasing to some but repulsive to others, and it is this strong aroma that comes into play when used as a natural insecticide.

In fact, it's not very clear whether garlic spray and chili spray insecticides or more likely insect repellent. However, this common kitchen ingredient can be used to knock down, or even paralyze, insect infestations in the garden.

Take two whole bulbs (not just two cloves) and puree them in a blender or food processor with a little water. Leave the mixture overnight, then strain into a liter jar then add one and a half cups of vegetable oil (optional), a teaspoon of mild liquid soap, and enough water to fill the jar.

To use this homemade insecticide, use one cup of the mixture with one liter of water and spray generously on the affected plants.

6. Chili water spray

Similar to garlic spray, chili water spray is a great homemade natural insect repellent that can be used for a variety of different pests. Chili spray can be made from fresh paprika or chili powder.

To make a basic chili spray from pepper powder, mix a tablespoon of chili powder with a quart of water and a few drops of mild liquid soap. This mixture can be used in full force on the affected plant leaves. To make chili spray from fresh peppers, puree or puree one and a half cups of bell peppers with one cup of water, then add a quart of water and bring to a boil.

Let stand until cold, then strain the chili ingredients, add a few drops of liquid soap to it and spray as desired.

7. Tomato leaf water spray

Tomato plants contain an alkaloid called "tomatine", which can effectively control aphids and other insects. To make a tomato leaf spray as a natural insecticide, cut two cups of fresh tomato leaves that can be taken from the underside of the plant into a quart of water, and leave overnight. Strain the plant material and spray onto the plant's foliage.