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Biofuels: Definition and Advantages and Examples

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.09.29
Biofuels: Definition and Advantages and Examples

Do you know what biofuel is ? As the name implies, biofuels are produced from organic materials, such as algae, animal waste, or certain types of plants. Another name for biofuels is biofuel.

In contrast to fossil fuels that will run out and become extinct, biofuels can be renewed or regenerated. Therefore, biofuels are renewable energy sources.

Let's understand more about the definition, advantages, and examples of biofuels in this article!

Definition of Biofuels Are

So, biofuels are all fuel sources made from organic materials. However, there are actually differences between primary biofuels and secondary biofuels based on the production process.

1. Primary Biofuels

The definition of primary biofuel is organic material that is used without prior processing. For example, wood, pellets, wood chips, sawdust, and others.

2. Secondary biofuel

Meanwhile, secondary biofuels are organic fuels that are used to produce energy, but after undergoing a certain process. For example, biodiesel and bioethanol. Secondary biofuels are widely used for power generation and industry.

Advantages of Biofuels

Instead of relying solely on fossil fuels, we should switch to more sustainable biofuels.

Some of the advantages of biofuels are as follows:

1. Renewable

It has been explained a little, that fossil fuels are a limited source of energy and will eventually run out. Meanwhile, biofuels are renewable energy and can be made from organic materials.

2. Carbon Emission Reduction

Another advantage of biofuels is that they can reduce carbon emissions . Organic materials derived from plants can absorb carbon and do not release carbon emissions like fossil fuels.

3. Cost Effectiveness

Producing biofuels is cheaper than producing gasoline. So, it can cut spending in the transportation industry. What's more, the price of gasoline sometimes goes up drastically. Because, more sustainable, biofuel prices tend to be stable.

4. Fuel Efficiency

When compared to fossil fuels, bioethanol and biodiesel are much more efficient. This is because it contains a lower concentration of chemicals.

5. Locality

Another advantage of biofuels is that they can be produced locally. This is important to create jobs in the same area, thereby reducing transportation carbon emissions while saving fuel distribution costs.

Disadvantages of Biofuels

We also need to recognize what are the disadvantages of biofuels, below:

1. Resource Usage

To produce primary biofuels such as wood or sawdust, it takes a lot of trees and natural resources.

2. Damaging Ecosystem

The oil needed to make biodiesel often comes from native habitats, such as rainforests or protected forests. If done continuously, it can threaten animal populations and damage forest ecosystems.

3. Only Use Certain Vehicles

Biofuels are not suitable for all types of vehicles. In the UK, for example, almost all vehicles are not supported for 100% biofuel blends.

In addition, biodiesel is not suitable for use in the aviation industry. This is because of its poor oxidative stability and high freezing point.

4. Carbon Emission

When primary biofuels are burned (wood) to generate heat (as is most often the case in developing countries), it produces greater amounts of carbon emissions than any other form of heating.

Examples of Biofuels

As indicated above, there are environmental advantages and disadvantages to using biofuels.

Although biofuels offer a variety of environmentally friendly benefits for our planet , there are also some detrimental consequences that need to be addressed. Get to know examples of biofuels on the market today.

The examples of biofuels are as follows:

1. E10

In March 2020, the UK government announced it would replace its current bioethanol option with E10.

As the name suggests, E10 contains a blend of 10% bioethanol and 90% gasoline. E10 is believed to reduce carbon emissions by 2%.

According to the UK government, replacing old bioethanol with E10 across the country would result in a reduction in carbon emissions equivalent to an average of 350,000 vehicles.

The only drawback of this strategy is that all cars made before 2011 may not be able to support E10 type biofuel. Because, in fact the fuel will leave residue in the engine and cause blockage of the vehicle system.

Maybe some people are still considering switching to the E10, but time is running out. Drivers are advised to switch to unleaded super gasoline in order to reduce carbon emissions. Unfortunately, the price is very expensive, while the E10 is cheaper.

However, the debate about bioethanol and biodiesel used in the transportation industry must end immediately. Because, in 2035 sales of gasoline, diesel and hybrid cars will be limited.

2. Biodiesel

The next example of biofuel is biodiesel, which is still an alternative to diesel for vehicles. However, in developed countries such as the UK, biodiesel is only available in mixed form.

The reason is, not many automotive manufacturers recommend that vehicle engines be filled with 100% biodiesel. As explained above, biodiesel is not a viable substitute for jet engines or other air transport.

3. Biojet/ bioavtur

As an alternative fuel for airplanes with turbine engines, the government provides biofuels such as Jet-Biofuel, J100, bioavtur, and biojet.

This renewable fuel can be renewed because it is made from environmentally friendly technology and uses raw materials such as crude palm oil which can be cultivated on plantation land.

The Future of Biofuels

Biofuels have played an important role in reducing the use of fossil fuels which are predicted to run out in 2050. In fact, globally, biofuels have supplied 70% of renewable energy.

In the future, biofuels will continue to be developed to become environmentally friendly fuels that supply electricity, industry, and transportation.