
What is a Climate Emergency and the Movement We Must Do

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.09.14
What is a Climate Emergency and the Movement We Must Do

Currently, the world is facing a climate emergency. It is characterized by the high temperature of the earth's surface, weather anomalies, and global warming .

Therefore, Antonio Guterres as Secretary General of the United Nations urged world leaders to be more serious in dealing with climate emergencies. One of them is by implementing a total economic system and sustainable business model.

It is important for every country to protect the safety of the people who are threatened as a result of ecological disasters caused by climate emergencies. Because the earth is a place to live not only for humans. Instead, animals and plants. It is important to know how to take care of the earth so that it remains sustainable and comfortable to live in.

What is a Climate Emergency?

According to the Cambridge dictionary, a climate emergency is a very serious and urgent climate problem. Climate problems are caused by changes in the world's weather, especially the earth's temperature is getting hotter as a result of human activities that increase carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), otherwise known as the United Nations Environment Program, describes the climate emergency as a result of climate change.

The world organization helps developing countries to overcome climate change impacts . As is well known, the cause of climate change is human activity and the industrial sector which releases pollution from burning fossil fuels (such as coal and oil).

Causes of the Climate Emergency

Evidence suggests that human activities and the use of fuels such as gasoline, diesel, gas, and coal is likely to be the main cause of global warming.

When these fossil fuels are burned, they release greenhouse gases that trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, causing the air and sea to heat up, resulting in changes in Earth's climate.

Greenhouse gases produced when burning oil or coal contain a lot of carbon. This is why, the term carbon emissions appears. The problem is that current levels of greenhouse gases are higher than they were for the last 800,000 years and are steadily increasing drastically.

The United Nations (UN) released a report in October 2018 on the effects of global warming and warned that we may only have twelve years left from 2018 to limit the climate crisis.

Increasing global warming at current rates will significantly increase the risk of droughts, floods, extreme heat, and climate-related poverty for millions of people around the world.

Movement to Overcome Climate Emergency

There are several movements that we can do to address the climate emergency, including:

1. Change Transportation Habits

Transport accounts for about 25% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Various countries have implemented policies to decarbonize the transportation sector.

You can start by choosing to walk or bike, if possible. If the distance is too far, choose public transportation. If you must drive, offer someone else directions so that fewer cars are on the road.

Buy an electric car such as an environmentally friendly Hyundai electric car. Reduce the number of long-haul flights whenever possible.

2. Control Energy Usage

If you can, switch to zero carbon or renewable energy providers. Install solar panels on your roof.

It is more efficient to lower the temperature by one to two degrees, if possible. Turn off appliances and lights when you're not using them and better yet buy the most efficient product in the first place, this will save you money.

Use a heat-insulating roof for your attic or roof area, you will be warmer in winter, cooler in summer, and also save money, compared to turning on the air conditioner.

3. Shop for Local Products

To reduce your food's carbon footprint, buy local and seasonal foods. You will help small businesses and farms in your area and reduce fossil fuel emissions during the product distribution journey.

Sustainable agriculture produces 64 percent fewer emissions, saves about 56 percent of energy, and allows for greater levels of biodiversity, than conventional agriculture.

Go one step further if you try growing your own fruit, vegetables and herbs. You can plant it in the garden, on the balcony, or even on the windowsill. If necessary, cultivate your own food crops, such as chilies, tomatoes, celery, or lettuce, so that you save more on vegetable spending.

4. Plant a Tree

Every year about 12 million hectares of forest are destroyed or deforested. These actions have been responsible for about 25 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

We can all play a role in tackling the problem of deforestation by planting more trees, individually and collectively.

For example, the Plant-for-the-Planet initiative allows people to sponsor tree plantings around the world. See the full guide at UNEP website to see various environmental programs that you can participate in. Including, ecosystem restoration programs, prevention of land and sea degradation, protection of biodiversity, and much more.

That was the explanation about the climate emergency and a small movement starting at home to tackle the climate emergency. It's important to keep sustainability of the earth so that we can overcome the climate emergency around the world. Our small steps can have a big impact if we care and are committed to preserving nature.

Adopting a sustainable lifestyle may sound a little inconvenient. However, starting with yourself and your family, who knows you can inspire more people around you to prevent the impact of climate change increase.