
3 Materials for Making Environmentally Friendly Tissue

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.09.26
3 Materials for Making Environmentally Friendly Tissue

You must often use tissue for various purposes, such as skin care and beauty. Although sold freely in the market, we need to understand what are the materials for making environmentally friendly tissue.

Of course, as consumers we have the right to get tissue products that are safe and do not cause skin allergies. Therefore, in this article, we will try to learn what are the materials for making eco-friendly tissue.

Is Your Favorite Tissue Brand Safe For Health And The Environment?

Generally, women more often carry a tissue in their bag to remove make-up or wipe sweat.

In addition, if you have a baby, tissue is also an important need that needs to be provided. Unfortunately, there are many chemical-based wipes that cause allergic skin reactions. In fact, once thrown on the ground, some types of wet wipes cannot be decomposed or recycled.

Let's check if your favorite tissue brand is safe for health and has the following eco-friendly tissue making materials:

Environmentally Friendly Tissue Material

Be careful in choosing the tissue material to be used. Before buying, read the label instructions and the ingredients listed on the tissue packaging.

Generally, eco-friendly wipes are made from 100% natural ingredients. Thus, it is easily recycled or decomposed by the soil.

Here are some types of eco-friendly tissue materials that can be found in the market:

1. Pineapple pulp

Eco-friendly wipes are made from organic materials that can return to the soil and become compost. One of them is tissue made from pineapple pulp.

The manufacture of environmentally friendly tissue from pineapple pulp was introduced by two students of SMAN 2 Lamongan, Octaviana Galuh Pratiwi and Shella Vidya Ayu. In fact, because of their success in making environmentally friendly tissue, they won a gold medal at the Indonesia Science Project Olympiad (ISPO) in Brazil.

First, the pineapple fruit material is peeled and sliced into small pieces, then blended to take the pulp. Pineapple pulp then added other rotten fruit and water.

For 300 grams of pineapple pulp, they use 1 gram of water and 100 grams of rotten fruit. Then closed tightly in plastic and left for 2 weeks.

After a white layer of Acetobacter xylinum appears, the material must be blended and dried again. The result of this process can be used as tissue.

2. Bamboo

Furthermore, the material for making environmentally friendly tissue is bamboo. Because it is made from bamboo sticks, these wipes are biodegradable and become compostable soil when dumped on the ground.

In addition, tissue made of bamboo does not damage natural ecosystems, such as cutting down trees in the forest. Because, bamboo stems can be grown in bamboo cultivation forests quickly.

Bamboo can grow without fertilizer and requires very little water. When planted, bamboo maintains soil fertility and stability so that it can nourish the soil. Amazingly, bamboo forests can release 30 times more oxygen into the surrounding air, and absorb carbon dioxide.

Bamboo wipes are a 100% biodegradable product and can completely decompose and disintegrate when dumped on the ground. The environment becomes cleaner and consumers feel calmer.

3. Organic Cotton

If you're looking for the most durable eco-friendly wipes, then recycled tissue can be an ideal choice. This is why, recycled tissue products have emerged that are suitable for various purposes at home or when traveling.

Recycled wipes will make all the necessities easier. Starting from wiping a runny nose, wiping a sweaty face, to cleaning food residue around the lips.

Recycled wipes are made from 100% organic cotton, which does not use any chemicals. Cotton wipes are very soft but durable. The good news, these cotton wipes can be used repeatedly, even more than 520 times. You can wash by hand or machine to clean.

Impact of Tissue Waste for the Environment

Although there have been innovations in environmentally friendly wipes, it is still easier for people to find conventional tissues.

Conventional wipes are made from a mixture of chemicals such as heavy metals, BPA (bisphenol A), and heavy metals. When chemical-based wipes are dumped on the ground, it can take hundreds of years for them to be completely lost or destroyed.

In many cases, chemical wipes contain toxic compounds that are disposed of as waste and pollute the environment .

Meanwhile, the handling of tissue waste in several countries is still not guaranteed. Therefore, it is feared that tissue waste can contaminate rivers, oceans, and groundwater .

As a result, many animals that live in environments contaminated with these chemicals will be exposed and even die.

Rarely realized, small animals in the waters such as fish, shrimp, or even shellfish that we consume contain toxic waste due to being contaminated with garbage in the ocean.

This risks increasing the content of toxins and harmful chemicals in the body.

On the other hand, wipes that contain a lot of chemical additives are harder to break down in the soil. As a result, waste will accumulate and spread everywhere. If the condition of the ecosystem is dirty and unbalanced, it can accelerate the process of global warming that threatens the safety of mankind.

Tips for Choosing Safe Eco-Friendly Tissue Materials

Now, we are increasingly understanding what environmentally friendly tissue materials are safe for health. Check out the tips below to choose the best tissue for your family:

1. There is a Government Permit

When buying, pay attention and read the distribution permit of the product from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Usually, the tissue that gets a distribution permit is a tissue made of 100% natural fiber.

2. Avoid heavy metals, BPA and chlorine bleach

In the market there are still some tissue products that are added with a mixture of chlorine bleach, BPA, and heavy metals. Avoid these tissue products to prevent skin allergies and side effects of diseases caused in long-term use.

3. Eco Friendly Tissue Packaging

Some manufacturers of environmentally friendly wipes, package their products in moderation. For example, packed in one plastic bag for several rolls of tissue. There are also manufacturers who make tissue packaging from cassava starch to make it more biodegradable.

In order not to waste too much plastic packaging, you can choose tissue products with efficient packaging.

Thus valuable information and tips for choosing the best eco-friendly tissue material . Do you usually use eco-friendly tissue or conventional tissue?