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If you often complain about the price of vegetables or fruit that continues to rise, then hydroponic plant cultivation can be the solution.
For those who don't know, hydroponic cultivation is a method of farming that does not use soil. Hydroponic plants get nutrients and oxygen through the water environment as a growing medium.
Amazingly, hydroponic cultivation does not require much space. So, it is ideal to be applied in apartments, flats, or those who live in minimalist homes today.
Then, can all plants be cultivated hydroponically? The following types of hydroponic plants can be considered:
Suitable to salads and sandwiches, lettuce is one of the most widely cultivated hydroponic plants. It grows fast, and requires simple care, especially for beginners.
These types of hydroponic plants can be placed in hydroponic pipes or ordinary pots. Usually, lettuce requires a soil pH level between 6-7 and will grow in about 30 days.
Are you a fan of strawberries? If so, maybe you rarely see it, except during the season. A hydroponic system can be the solution. You can cultivate strawberries as a hydroponic plant and can get strawberries whenever you want.
Strawberries take about 60 days to bear fruit with a pH level of 5.5 to 6.2.
Cucumbers are a variant of a creeping hydroponic plant. Generally used for pickles, fresh vegetables, and various dishes in restaurants or restaurants. The advantage of growing cucumbers with a hydroponic system is that they grow fast and the results are healthier.
In addition, freshness is guaranteed because it is cultivated naturally and without chemicals. Hydroponic cucumbers are known as warm plants with a pH of 5.5-6.0.
Spinach is another hydroponic plant that grows fast and is very easy to cultivate. Hydroponic spinach requires less water than traditional farming. In addition, you can plant from scratch or when it is still a seed. In general, spinach can grow after 1 month with a pH between 6.1-7.5.
Bell peppers are known for their high antioxidant content. It has attractive colors such as yellow, red, green, and orange. Of course, this hydroponic plant is also very easy to cultivate. You have to make sure that the pepper plants are not too tall.
The trick is to trim about 7-8 inches to spur growth. In terms of harvest time, it generally takes 90 days to reach maturity. A full 18 hours of sunlight is recommended. Use lights if necessary at a distance of 6 inches from the plant.
If you think that leek is not a type of hydroponic plant, then you are very wrong. This plant is suitable to be chosen in a hydroponic system because it is easy to care for and its growth is quite fast. Ideally, it should take 6-8 weeks for the leeks to be ready to harvest.
Although these hydroponic plants do not require a lot of water, they still require adequate lighting. The ideal temperature should be 37 degrees Celsius. In addition, leeks can grow fast with full light between 12-14 hours per day. For pH, a soil acidity level of about 6.0 is sufficient.
Rich in vitamins, blueberries are another top choice for hydroponic plants. Unlike strawberries, blueberries take a long time to grow. In fact, months only for the first harvest.
Blueberries thrive best in an NFT ( Nutrient Film Engineering ) system with warm temperatures and a pH level between 4.5 and 6.0. Instead of growing from seed which takes a long time, you should choose the method of cutting or transplanting.
Who likes chili sauce or tomato sauce? Indonesian people are not complete without chili sauce. And the good news, tomatoes can be grown in your hydroponic garden. So, if you need tomatoes in a dish, just pick them here in the hydroponic garden .
When growing tomatoes, make sure to provide enough sunlight and heat. But, if you plan to be placed in the room, provide lights. The recommended pH level ranges from 5.5 to 6.5.
Kale leaves are similar to watercress, but the color of the leaves is more intense. Therefore, kale contains very high antioxidants to ward off various diseases. If you are a lover of healthy food, kale must be included in the list of hydroponic plants to be cultivated.
Highly nutritious, delicious, and can be processed in various dishes, it is very good for anyone who wants to enjoy healthy food every time. Abroad, kale leaves have also been commonly grown in hydroponic systems for many years. Kale is easy to care for and grows at moderate temperatures with an ideal pH level of 5.5 to 6.5.
Celery is widely recognized as the most frequently used vegetable in many cuisines. In addition to adding to the aroma of cooking, celery is also easy to cultivate in a hydroponic system. Just make sure the stems are wet and the roots aren't submerged. The ideal pH level for celery is 5.7 to 6.0.
This hydroponic plant is very suitable for cultivation by beginners or those who are trying the hydroponic system for the first time. If the height has reached 20-30 cm, you can harvest it to be used as a mixture of soup sauces such as meatball sauce, or soto sauce, and various other dishes.
Well, that's the best list of hydroponic plants that you can try. Although cultivating them may seem challenging especially for beginners, over time the process will become easier and simpler!
You will soon realize that the hydroponic system is much simpler and easier than conventional gardening. Prove it by yourself!