

Getting to Know Upcycling, Transforming Waste into Useful Goods

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.10.21
Getting to Know Upcycling, Transforming Waste into Useful Goods

Now, environmental awareness has experienced rapid development in society. The application of a lifestyle related to environmental preservation has been widely campaigned.

If you know some of the most talked about recycling issues today, you've probably heard of upcycling . This English term refers to the type of recycling and from the popular Spanish word super-recycling.

Upcycling is the process of transforming goods that are no longer used into new goods that have a value equal to or even greater than the original price.

If you are interested in upcycling and want to know the value of the product after recycling, see the information below for more details.

Understanding Upcycling

Upcycling is a type of recycling that has been well received because it is about turning a product into something more useful, or even the same as the original. Try to imagine how much profit can be obtained from the savings of these raw materials.

So, creating a product with a greater usefulness than the original element does not have to use the usual raw materials.

With this way of upcycling, many companies have succeeded in creating original objects. In daily use there are products that do not work so that they become waste.

With this useless trash initially we can give it greater value and usability. This concept is suitable for reducing the total volume of waste issued per person and successfully reducing the need for raw materials.

Up cycling can be regarded as a new recycling trend, which tries to introduce guidelines into people's habits so that recycling becomes a common activity. As with recycling glass bottles in restaurants or homes more generally, upcycling is expected to be applied to all types of raw materials.

The up cycling technique opens up new ways of consuming recycled products, because the value and usefulness they have will be much greater.

The main goal of up cycling is to give a second life to all finished products instead of letting them "die" in landfills.

The difference with Recycling

The recycling process begins by crushing goods into their basic materials and then shaping them into other goods, often into materials of lower quality than the original goods.

This up cycle process does not involve destroying goods into their basic materials, but directly using them for other functions. Meanwhile, upcycling is identical to the process of recycling inorganic goods.

For example, plastic bottles, glass bottles, cans, cloth, cardboard, tires, detergent wrappers, beverage packaging boxes and other food wrappers. The main capital of upcycling is creativity.

And indeed, up cycling has been practiced everywhere, such as bags from detergent packaging wrappers to flower vases made from used plastic drink bottles.

Upcycling Example

Here are some examples of up cycling that you can make and practice at home. For example, some clothes that cannot be cut, we can use them by cutting them and making a cover for the sofa. Magazines can be used to create original mosaics.

As for the technology side, we can act in a different way. For example, old CDs and DVDs can be used as coasters, pendants or scarecrows.

Cassette tape can also be used to decorate some furniture. If you have an old keyboard, you can use it to disassemble keys or make a geek -style wall clock .

In this application, the ingenuity and creativity of each person shows which use of up cycling is the best or the worst. If we don't do this upcycling, we won't get the most out of the waste that has finished its life cycle.

2 Reasons Why Upcycling Is Important For The Future

1. Minimum Use of Natural Resources (SDA)

Because upcycling uses existing natural resources, we no longer need to use new raw materials for the production process.

There is one interesting fact, 2,700 liters of water are needed to produce cotton to make one t-shirt.

So, from now on stop wasting natural resources, and it will really help our environment when we reuse old stuff to make new stuff.

2. Don't donate textile waste

Globally, approximately 80% of all clothing ends up in landfills to be decomposed or burned.

However, with up cycling, we can automatically reduce textile waste because we seem to give new life to our old clothes.

By adding value to the old stuff, this certainly saves a lot of used resources.

So, instead of letting your old clothes go to waste to pile up in landfills, consider upcycling so you can create something new and unique.

Upcycling Benefits

With the application of up cycling, inorganic waste does not need to be thrown away or burned again, which certainly causes air pollution. With up cycling, goods can become useful again and more valuable. Upcycling is also a real step in reducing waste production.

So, that was some information about up cycling that you should know. Not only through upcycling, you can also save natural resources by choosing a Hyundai electric car that is guaranteed to be more environmentally friendly .

Hopefully the information above can be useful for those of you who are interested in upcycling and want to try applying it with used goods at home while filling your spare time.