
What is Ecology? Definition, Benefits and Scope

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.10.05
What is Ecology? Definition, Benefits and Scope

Do you know what ecology is? Initially, the term ecology was introduced by a zoologist from Germany, Ernst Haeckel. He coined the term ecology to describe the interactions of animals with their organic and inorganic environments.

The term ecology is taken from the Greek, Oikos which means "home" or "a place called home". Therefore, ecology is closely related to creatures and their surroundings.

Understanding Ecology Is

Understanding ecology can begin with understanding its meaning. Ecology is a science that studies how organisms live and respond to their environment.

To make it easier to understand, ecology can be defined as the study of ecosystems. In ecology, we will study the interactions of all organisms in an ecosystem. Including animals, plants, soil, air, water, and so on in the environment.

In the future, studies by ecologists will help us better understand the world around us and what environmental damage is causing. The goal is that we can always take care of nature, manage energy resources, and protect public health.

Ecological Benefits Are

Understanding about ecology is very important to make sure everyone is aware of the impact of everyday actions and activities on planet earth.

Here are the ecological benefits:

1. Assist in environmental preservation

Ecology makes us understand the impact our actions have on the environment. So, at least we have conservation efforts by first understanding the problems or causes of environmental damage.

2. Ensure proper allocation of resources

Another benefit of ecology is that it allows us to see the purpose of each organism interrelated to form an ecosystem. That way, we can determine which resources are essential for the survival of each organism.

So, we do not carelessly destroy nature, because as a result it will kill other organisms. An example is human dependence on fossil fuels. This leads to an increase in carbon emissions. It is ecology that makes humans understand this problem and find a solution.

3. Improve energy conservation

From ecology, humans can understand the demands of each different energy source on the environment. As a result, people began to think about how to use and manufacture renewable energy sources more efficiently.

Without understanding ecology, humans will be wasteful in using energy resources such as gasoline, diesel, and coal.

4. Improve environmental friendliness

With research from ecology, in the end humans can implement more sustainable lifestyles. Because, we know the impact of environmental damage, such as global warming and climate change.

If we do not take immediate steps, then the survival and quality of life of human beings, animals, and plants will be threatened with extinction.

5. Help control diseases and pests

Ecological studies offer a new way to understand the behavior of certain pests and diseases that are spread by vectors, such as insects, parasites, pests and others.

For example, malaria is spread by the female Anopheles mosquito. In order to control malaria, humans learn to understand how insects interact and reproduce. Thus, the spread of mosquitoes can be minimized.

Scope of Ecology

Studying the interaction of living things with the environment through ecology will help us understand its purpose. One of the core goals of ecology is to understand the benefits of valuable natural resources for the survival of living things.

The scope of ecology is divided into several categories, including:

1. Biotic and abiotic

These are living and non-living components. Examples of living components such as humans, animals, and plants. Meanwhile, examples of non-living components such as air, water, solar energy, etc.

2. Hierarchy

Hierarchies or groupings are made in the ecological world sequentially. For example, from the smallest to the largest unit. For example, starting from a cell, tissue, organ, organism, species, to become a population.

From the population to form communities, ecosystems, biomes, to the biosphere.

3. Biodiversity

The differences in each organism make up biodiversity. Including differences in species, ecosystems, and genetics. If the environment is damaged, it will have a major impact on the preservation of biodiversity.

4. Habitat

Habitat is the original place that is the natural environment of a particular species. For example deserts, meadows, forests, rivers, lakes, oceans, and so on. There are some animals such as snakes that can fly or jump from one tree to another, because their habitat is a forest.

5. Niche construction

Niche can be said as a description of the position of a species in the food chain and interactions with other species in an environment.

6. Food network

It's like a food chain that is interconnected with each other. For example the ecosystem environment in rice fields. Grasshoppers are eaten by 🡪frogs 🡪eaten by 🡪snakes to be eaten by 🡪owls/eagles.

7. Trophic pyramid

Ecological systems consist of stratified pyramids or trophic pyramids. At the bottom which describes the pattern of food chain relationships between top predators (eg animals) and the bottom or horizontal sections are plants.

Ecological Examples Are

Furthermore, not only the scope of ecology, we need to understand some examples of system ecology. Among them:

A. Human Ecology

Focuses on the relationship between humans and the environment. Every human activity will have an impact on nature.

B. Niche Construction

This example of ecology investigates how organisms are able to survive and adapt to their environment. For example, a beetle will build a mound up to 2 meters high to protect its population.

What Can Disrupt Ecology?

Do not disturb the ecology. Because, if the ecological system changes a little, it will have an impact on the whole organism in it sequentially. In fact, certain species of animals or plants may even die.

For this reason, a forest-like ecology may seem trivial. In fact, it is very influential on changes in climate, air, weather, water clarity, and other natural conditions.

Here are some things that can affect ecology:

1. Natural disturbance

Natural disturbances can be in the form of extreme weather or natural phenomena that threaten safety. For example, hurricanes, hurricanes, blizzards, heavy rains, prolonged droughts, and so on.

This includes disturbances such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Such dramatic events can change the ecological balance.

2. Man-made disturbance

In addition to natural factors that occur naturally, humans can also cause ecological changes. For example, there are people who deliberately cut coral reefs on the seabed to sell them.

All forms of mining such as gold mining, coal mining, diamond mining, including disturbances to the ecological system.

Hopefully, from the discussion on ecology in this article, we can gain a lot of knowledge. Especially about how to preserve the environment and ecological balance.