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9 Simplest Ways to Overcome Air Pollution

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.07.14
9 Simplest Ways to Overcome Air Pollution

You may have often heard the concept of how to deal with air pollution. However, how to deal with air pollution is not as easy as imagined.

More than just smog, polluted air quality causes various respiratory diseases to global warming. If we turn a blind eye to air pollution, it is not only harmful to our own health. But also, preservation of the earth for future generations.

Don't worry, you can still make changes. With some of the following ways to deal with air pollution, you can immediately improve the air quality at home and around the environment.

1. Cycling Or Walking

The first way to deal with air pollution is to limit the use of cars. Choose walking or cycling to reach locations that are not too far away.

If you want to go far away, consider public transportation such as buses or trains. Public transport helps reduce congestion on roads and reduces carbon emissions. Each train and bus passenger produces carbon emissions, 7 times lower on average than a car

2. Nebeng Community or Car Sharing

If you really have to use a car to work or study every day, consider joining a car-driving community. Currently, in various cities throughout Indonesia, the car driving community has 80,000 members.

In one car can accommodate 7 people. This will reduce congestion, save on fuel costs, and support reduction programs carbon emissions .

3. Using an Electric Car

Next, the way to deal with air pollution that is in line with the times is the use of electric cars. As it is known, electric cars emit 0% carbon emissions. So, electric cars are very efficient to reduce the impact of global warming.

Replacing diesel or gasoline-fueled vehicles with electric cars for the sake of planetary sustainability. In Shenzhen, China, for example, public transportation that was originally powered by diesel has been converted to electric power. This supports reducing carbon emissions by up to 48% and implementing sustainable lifestyle .

4. Avoiding Land Burning

The public needs to be educated about agricultural technology that is more environmentally friendly. In some areas in Indonesia, new land clearing still uses the method of burning plants or burning land. This can have an impact on forest fires that are widespread and difficult to extinguish.

Agricultural extension programs are the key to success. Poland, for example, most regions have abolished the practice of burning land after the wheat harvest. In addition, farmers are given subsidies for wheat straw processing machines. Thus, sources of air pollution can be reduced.

5. Don't Burn Garbage

Burning Domestic waste has increased over the last few decades. In fact, it is one of the largest contributors to carbon emissions in the UK. The burning of solid fuels, such as burning leaf litter, heating from a wood stove, or traditional cooking with a wood stove, has a major impact on air pollution.

The way to deal with air pollution is to avoid burning domestic waste. Alternatively, collect recyclable waste to be “saved” in a waste bank. If you don't want to bother, waste such as food scraps or dry leaves can be buried in the ground as organic fertilizer.

6. Reduce Meat and Dairy Intake

We understand how important meat and dairy intake is for growing children. Even so, scientists have discovered the fact that livestock is actually a producer of 50% of air pollution globally.

Cattle and dairy farms must be responsible for the resulting carbon and ammonia emissions. Ammonia gas not only pollutes the air, but also water and soil surfaces.

7. Plant More Trees

Have you ever felt comfortable and cool when taking shelter under a shady tree? Plants help improve air quality in the long run. In fact, planting just one tree at home, will have a huge impact on air quality and healthier environment .

Plants will absorb toxins and carbon dioxide in the air. Researchers at the University of Southampton explain the astonishing findings. One tree can remove 850-2,000 tons of harmful particles from the air per year.

In addition to removing toxins and harmful particles from the air, trees are able to reduce levels of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and monoxide, ozone, benzene, and dioxins. Some air purifier plants can also be ornamental plants at home. Such as aloe vera, puring, wutah rice, monstera, calathea, and many more.

Trees or plants are not just natural air filters. Plants also make the air feel cool so that it can be more efficient in using air conditioning. The slightest decrease in temperature will have a major impact on global warming. This is because many ozone-forming compounds and chemicals at ground level depend on temperature.

This means, if the earth's temperature increases, chemical compounds will turn into harmful pollutants. For that, plant more trees around the house. Start from a small environment first to inspire neighbors and others.

8. Support Clean Air Zone

One way to tackle air pollution is to support the Clean Air Zone. London and Scotland, for example, have implemented a number of regulations that reduce carbon emissions in cities. UK law states that the Clean Air Zone is a special area that imposes fines or sanctions on vehicles that have high levels of carbon emissions.

Vehicles that exceed the carbon emission limit cannot enter the Clean Air Zone area, or have to pay an additional fee if they want to pass. For example in school areas, protocol roads, or dense urban roads.

9. Quit Smoking

Experts say cigarette smoke is one of the most common air pollutants. So, by quitting smoking or not smoking at all is a simple way of tackling air pollution from every individual.

Cigarette smoke consists of particles that contain harmful chemicals. What's more, if you smoke indoors, cigarette smoke stays on your clothes, carpet, or skin.

In addition, children are very susceptible to exposure to secondhand smoke, especially those with a history of heart and lung disease. Both electronic cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes are sources of pollution and air pollution. Vapor or cigarette smoke contains volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, and chemicals that irritate the lungs.

Hopefully by understanding some of the ways to deal with air pollution above, we can be more aware of the importance of air cleanliness. Air pollution may not be visible. However, the impact and danger is very damaging to the life of living beings.

Don't underestimate the quality of the air we breathe every day. Because clean air quality will determine our health and quality of life, now and in the future.