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10 Examples of Environmentally Friendly Attitudes in the Context of Sustainability

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.07.06
10 Examples of Environmentally Friendly Attitudes in the Context of Sustainability

People who show an example of an environmentally friendly attitude are concerned about the health of themselves and others. Whether it's in the work environment or on a daily basis, we can show examples of environmentally friendly attitudes so that we can emulate these positive behaviors.

In the following article, we will learn what are examples of environmentally friendly behavior and as much as possible start living a sustainable lifestyle.

Examples of Environmentally Friendly Attitude

A sustainable lifestyle is how everyday attitudes can reduce the impact of climate change and the carbon footprint. Here is a list of examples of environmentally friendly attitudes that you can follow:

1. Energy saving

Energy efficiency every day is very supportive of efforts to reduce the carbon footprint on planet earth. This can be done by using alternative energy technologies and adopting an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Among others:

  • Turn off unnecessary lights
  • Using the residential concept of natural lighting from the sun
  • Use water sparingly
  • Repairing a leaky faucet or plumbing
  • Unplug unused electronics, such as toasters, coffee makers, etc.

2. Reduce the Use of Plastic Bags / Crackle

The number of use of single-use products and plastics continues to increase, as industrial demand increases. Unfortunately, this adds to the amount of plastic waste and environmental problems.

Therefore, all levels of society are expected to participate in reducing plastic waste. Use cloth bags or woven shopping baskets which are more environmentally friendly and can be recycled.

3. Start a Paperless Life

Can humans live without paper? Although paper is an important part of life, the answer is yes! Thanks to the support of internet technology, humans can start a paperless life with just a cellphone.

From online bank statements, reading digital newspapers, to wedding invitations via Whatsapp and email, now everyone can choose not to use paper to reduce their carbon footprint.

In addition, by limiting the use of paper, it can maintain the population of felled trees in the forest. If you really need paper, choose a type of recycled paper so that the soil is easier to decompose.

4. Donate Unused Items

Donating goods is one example of an environmentally friendly attitude that needs to be adopted. What's more, they can be reused and don't pile up as trash. For example, when there are a lot of unused items at home, such as clothes, shoes, or toys that are no longer used, it is better to give them to someone else than throw them away.

Alternatively, you can recycle unused items so that they have useful value and turn them into something new.

5. Reducing Food Waste

Garbage or food waste can cause carbon emission gas that affects the environment. In order not to waste food, buy enough food.

In addition, you can make your own food or side dishes that can be preserved for a long time in the refrigerator. Examples such as tempeh nuggets, squid fish sauce, balado jengkol, and others. To serve, you simply heat it in the oven or cook it for a while.

6. Use Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products

Some commercial cleaning products currently use chemicals that are harmful to the environment. However, the good news is, now you can make cleaning products from waste enzyme liquid or eco-enzymes that are environmentally friendly.

In fact, there are also several companies that sell cleaning products with natural ingredients so they don't damage the environment. Choose detergents or cleaning products from non-chemical ingredients to reduce carbon emissions and environmental impact.

7. Limit Airplane Travel

Aircraft emissions have a major impact on global warming. This is because it contributes to a carbon footprint of up to 2% per year. In the aviation industry, this choice is very dilemmatic. Therefore, limiting individual flights is the best way to reduce carbon emissions.

Alternatively, choose fast and economical trains whose network is increasingly being developed around the world.

8. Avoid Cruise Ship Vacations

Cruise ship vacations are becoming more and more popular. However, these large ships contribute greatly to greenhouse gas emissions. According to Fleet Carnival Corporation about 47 cruise ships produce 10 times more sulfur oxide (SOx) than 100 million cars.

It's important to realize that choosing a vacation should be more sustainable and environmentally friendly whenever possible.

9. Shop for Local Products

The average fresh food product has a long way to go before it reaches the final consumer. This supply chain contains a large carbon footprint because every transport truck needs fuel oil. Distribution and transportation systems that are too long produce more carbon emissions.

We can overcome this by buying products from local traders. The local economy will also be helped and the nutritional value is also higher.

10. Electric Car

Diesel and gasoline-fueled cars are major contributors to global warming, mainly due to the amount of CO2 emissions from exhaust fumes. Nearly 27% of the UK's total carbon emissions came from transport in 2019, with 91% of them coming from the transport sector.

Electric cars are the most environmentally friendly way of driving and adopting a sustainable lifestyle. Because, the way electric cars work uses batteries and does not use fossil fuels at all. Not surprisingly, electric cars emit 0% carbon emissions and do not pollute the air.

The Importance of Implementing a Sustainable Lifestyle

We’ve already known that modern society wants a lifestyle that is practical, fast, and easy. However, sometimes this makes daily behavior not show an example of environmentally friendly attitude and unsustainable attitude.

If these changes do not start now, we must be prepared to face the risks of climate change and future adverse environmental impacts. At present, there may be people who think that sustainability is the responsibility of the government and the authorities. However, the problem did not end there. Everyone must be involved to change the environment for the better.

Fortunately, implementing an example of environmentally friendly attitude and sustainable living is not as difficult as one might think. Just by following the simple steps above, starting with yourself, and starting right now!