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5 Types of Electric Car Plate in Indonesia

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.09.27
5 Types of Electric Car Plate in Indonesia

In Indonesia, electric car plates will be known because they are given a special color. The purpose of being given a special color is to distinguish electric vehicles from conventional vehicles.

Not only that, by giving this special color the goal is to make it easier for officers to identify electric vehicles.

The automotive market in Indonesia is increasingly crowded with the presence of electric vehicles. The popular one is Hyundai which presents an electric car called the Hyundai Ioniq 5.

If you are curious about the type of electric car plate, consider the following review.

Electric Car Plate Type

In accordance with the colors on the plates of electric vehicles, it is stated in Police Regulation Number 7 of 2021 Article 45 Paragraph 2.

The article states that the color of the Motor Vehicle Number Sign must be added with a special sign, for example a special color for electric vehicles.

The color of the Motor Vehicle Number Sign (TNBK) has been issued through the National Police Headquarters Decree Number 5 of 2020.

In the plan there are 5 types of electric car plates. Here are some plates of electric cars, including:

1. Blue Stripe Black Plate

The first electric car license plate is a black plate with a blue line. TNBK in black with a blue list is for owners of privately owned electric vehicles.

2. Blue Stripe Red Plate

The second type of electric car plate is red with a blue list. This type of electric car plate is intended for government-owned official vehicles.

3. Blue Stripe Yellow Plate

The third type of electric car plate is a yellow plate with a blue list. This type is intended for electric-powered public transportation such as taxis or other public transportation.

4. Blue Stripe White Plate

The fourth electric car plate color is white with blue stripes. This color combination is used for electric vehicles that are still being tested which must be equipped with a STCK or Vehicle Trial Certificate.

5. Blue Stripe Green Plate

The last type of electric car plate is a combination of a green base color with a blue line. Generally, vehicles with this color combination may only operate in free trade zones, for example in Batam.

This electric vehicle with a green electric car plate gets a duty-free facility. Unfortunately, this type of electric car plate cannot be used in other parts of Indonesia, so only in Batam.

Difference between Electric Car Plate and Ordinary Car

When viewed from the physical vehicle, the form of an electric car is the same as a conventional car that uses an internal combustion engine . Except, in the eyes of those who understand automotive or are familiar with electric car models.

Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish electric cars from conventional cars so as to create a special electric car plate that has a blue line or list at the bottom.

Why Should Electric Cars and Ordinary Cars Be Differentiated?

The goal is to attract people's interest to switch to using electric cars. So that the Indonesian government provides several privileges.

One of them is in the capital city of Jakarta where electric vehicles have immunity against the odd-even rule.

Currently in Jakarta, the odd-even rule applies to 26 roads on weekdays, in the morning at 06.00-10.00 WIB and in the afternoon at 16.00-21.00 WIB.

For those of you who have an electric car and live in Jakarta, you don't have to worry about this odd-even rule anymore. Because, you can pass anytime and anywhere. To make it easier for the police to identify your electric car, an electric car plate will be issued with a blue line at the bottom.

This refers to DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 88 of 2019 Article 4 which states that electric cars are one type of vehicle that is immune to the odd-even rule. Just like a fire engine, ambulance or presidential car.

With the difference in the plates of the electric car used, this makes it easier to analyze the results of the Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement or E-TLE camera recordings.

How to Make an Electric Car Plate

The application of electric car plates with blue lines began in 2020. Previously, electric cars still used ordinary number plates like conventional cars. This also applies to electric cars released before 2020.

Can a vehicle like this get a new number with a blue stripe plate? In the 2020 report, the Head of STNK Standardization Affairs, STNK Sub-Directorate of the Directorate of National Police Korlantas, AKP Fajar Dwi Hanto, explained that this change could be made. Unfortunately, he did not fully explain the stages and requirements.

So, it can be assumed that the change of number plates is carried out at the Samsat office, a place for vehicle administrative matters. Another way is to wait for the 5 year number plate change period to arrive later.

The number plate will automatically follow the latest model which has a blue line underneath. The main requirement to get an electric car plate with a blue line is that the vehicle must really be a battery-based electric car or Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) not a hybrid one.

So, those were several types of electric car plates, the reasons for the difference between an electric car plate and a regular car, and how to get an electric car plate with a blue line.

The Indonesian automotive industry that is turning to entirely electric will make several changes, including supporting renewable energy and environmentally friendly technologies .

In the future, hopefully the change of number plate design for electric cars can be implemented immediately and attract the interest of the wider community.