

Two Aeroponics Techniques To Grow Faster

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.09.01
Two Aeroponics Techniques To Grow Faster

Do you wanna know how aeroponic techniques help plants to grow faster? Actually, aeroponic techniques are similar to hydroponics. Because, both of them do not use soil. However, the aeroponic technique is a form of hydroponics that directly sprays a nutrient solution to the plant roots.

To make plants thrive, farmers or cultivators need to understand the method or technique of aeroponic gardening . Let's see the full guide in the following article!

Types of Aeroponics Techniques

Aeroponics systems are the right choice for growing or cultivating plants in narrow areas. Especially, indoors. In fact, aeroponics techniques have been applied by NASA scientists to grow food in the space shuttle.

If the hydroponic method uses water, the aeroponic technique uses a type of nutrient mist that will be sprayed onto the plant roots periodically.

Basically, there are two types of aeroponic techniques, namely: High Pressure Aeroponics (HPA) and Low Pressure Aeroponics (LPA).

1. High Pressure Aeroponics (HPA) Techniques

In the High Pressure Aeroponics (HPA) method, the plant roots are completely suspended in the air. Very fine sprayed nutrient mist measuring 20-50 micro between 25-100PSI.

The nutrient mist is simply sprayed on the roots for 3-5 seconds every few minutes. The high-pressure aeroponics technique is considered to be more efficient and effective, but the system is quite complicated. Because, it requires equipment such as high pressure pumps, accumulator tanks, electric valves, pressure valves, and others.

Advantages of High Pressure Aeroponics (HPA)

  • The most efficient consumption of water and very low nutrients.
  • Plants can grow quickly and fertile.
  • The system can run without power for a certain period of time.

Disadvantages of High Pressure Aeroponics (HPA)

  • High installation costs.
  • Need maintenance and care during operation.
  • Damage to the pump can cause crop failure if not treated immediately.

2. Low Pressure Aeroponics (LPA).

Meanwhile, Low Pressure Aeroponics (LPA) is an aeroponic technique that allows plant roots to be only partially suspended in a nutrient solution. The root system is regularly sprayed with a nutrient solution. Low-pressure aeroponics technique chooses a low-pressure pump to spray water and the droplets return to the water reservoir.

Advantages of Low Pressure Aeroponics (LPA)

  • Much more efficient than other types of hydroponics.
  • Lower initial installation costs.
  • Much easier than High Pressure Aeroponics Techniques.

Disadvantages of Low Pressure Aeroponics (LPA)

  • Pump failure can lead to crop failure if not monitored regularly.
  • Higher water usage than High Pressure Aeroponics Techniques.

Whatever technique or aeroponic system is used, the aeroponic system is very suitable to be applied to agriculture in urban areas that lack land. Aeroponic plants can be hung or placed in stacks on vertical shelves so that they save more space.

It's just that the growth of aeroponic plants needs to be kept clean. Because, aeroponic cultivation is in a room and a humid environment. It is highly susceptible to bacterial and fungal growth.

Advantages of Soilless Gardening With Aeroponics Techniques:

In an aeroponic system, plant growth will be very fast. This is the main advantage that many cultivators are interested in. Apart from that, here are some other advantages:

  • The rapid growth of plants is great because the roots have access to large amounts of oxygen.
  • Aeroponics systems are easy to maintain. In aeroponics, it is only necessary to treat the root space with disinfectants and clean the water reservoir on a regular basis.
  • Save water and nutrients because of the higher absorption rate of nutrients.
  • Plants and seedlings can be moved easily.
  • Aeroponics systems require minimal land or do not require large land because they can be hung or placed on vertical shelves.

Tips for Overcoming Aeroponic Engineering Problems

When an aeroponic system is applied with proper nutrition, the growth and yield of crops will be very good compared to the hydroponic system. This is due to the condition of the roots that directly get the oxygen, nutrients, moisture, and water that plants need.

However, just like any other gardening system, aeroponic techniques have challenges in order to thrive. Here are some of them:

1. Pump Problems

Aeroponics systems are strongly supported by electrical equipment such as pumps. So, equipment that functions normally will greatly affect the fertility of the plant.

The aeroponic system will spray a nutrient mist onto the plants using a pump. If the pump is not functioning optimally or the pump is damaged, then the humidity level will drop rapidly, especially reducing the supply of nutrients.

That's why, you need to buy good equipment and maintain it regularly.

2. Nozzle Not Working

Another piece of equipment that supports the aeroponic technique is the nozzle. The nozzle is used as a plant nutrient spray. Nutrients consist of salt and other forms of compounds.

Gradually, these salts can build up in the nozzles so that they clog or interfere with the performance of spraying nutrients to the roots. You will need to scrub the nozzle with isopropyl to clean it and keep the nozzle flowing smoothly.

3. Bacterial and Fungal Growth

Fungi and bacteria can survive in moist and warm environments, such as aeroponic environment . Because of this, this gardening system is prone to bacterial and fungal infections.

One of the best ways to deal with this is to use hydrogen peroxide. A little hydrogen peroxide can quickly kill bacteria and fungi. Make sure not to use too much of this compound so that the plant roots are not damaged.

4. Troubled Root Places

The container or box where the roots are used in aeroponic techniques must be properly maintained. Try to keep the roots in a dark condition and not exposed to direct sunlight.

Plant roots in the aeroponic technique prefer to grow in dark areas. For that, the root container must be in a closed room and away from the light.

Do you think aeroponic technique is not difficult, right? For hobbyists of aeroponic techniques at home, they can use Low Pressure Aeroponics Techniques at a more economical cost. You can cultivate various types of plants, especially vegetables. Aeroponic plants grow faster and more fertile. And, as a result, vegetables are healthier than vegetables grown in the ground.

In addition, cultivating aeroponic plants does not require land, and save water . Cool, right! Please try immediately at home.