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Biodiversity: Definition, Examples, Concepts and Benefits

Hyundai Motorstudio Senayan Park 2022.10.25
Biodiversity: Definition, Examples, Concepts and Benefits

Biodiversity is one of the important aspects of the environment to be preserved. The higher the bio diversity in an area, the more complex the ecosystems and biomes in it are.

This is because there are many animals and plants interacting with each other in a relatively small area.

Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest total bio diversity in the world. This is because Indonesia has a unique location so that the flora and fauna that taste in Indonesia are relatively different compared to other regions.

Definition of Biodiversity

Bio diversity is an aspect of the environment that we must take care of as living things that live on earth. This diversity is an important indicator in the ecological system and a means to find out whether there is a change in species or not.

So in general, the definition of bio diversity is the diversity of living things that show variations in species, genes, and the ecosystem as a whole in an area. This diversity includes differences in shape, color, size, texture, to nature.

Examples of Biodiversity

The following is an example of bio diversity which is divided into three levels, namely:

1. Gene Biodiversity

Gene bio diversity is the lowest level of diversity caused by differences in the genetic makeup of an individual with other individuals. Gene-level biodiversity is the genetic variation within a species, either between individuals within a population or between geographically separated populations.

The level of gene diversity exists because each individual has a unique gene form. Genetic variation will increase when offspring receive a unique combination of chromosomes and genes from their parents through recombination of genes that arise through sexual reproduction.

Examples of gene biodiversity, namely:

  • Variations in coconut types: kopyor coconut, green coconut.
  • Variations on the type of rose: rosa gallica, rosa damascene.

2. Species Biodiversity

This species diversity includes all species that have been found on earth, both plants and animals. Species can be defined as a group of individuals that exhibit some of the most important characteristics that differ from other groups. These characteristics can be morphological, biochemical or physiological.

Examples of species bio diversity, namely:

  • Familia Fellidae: lion, tiger, cheetah, cat.
  • Papilionaceae family: peanuts, soybeans, petai, long beans.

3. Ecosystem Biodiversity

Bio diversity at the ecosystem level is the diversity of biotic communities, habitats, to ecological processes that exist in the biosphere (land) or the ocean.

In an ecosystem, all living things have a reciprocal relationship, between living things or living things with their environment or with their abiotic components.

Ecosystem diversity shows the differences between abiotic factors and the composition of the population of organisms in an area. Bio diversity is divided into 2 environments, namely aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Examples of ecosystem bio diversity, namely:

  • Coastal ecosystem: birds, crabs, insects.
  • Desert ecosystem: cactus plants, badlands, birds, reptiles, small mammals.

Benefits of Biodiversity

Bio diversity is part of life on earth, so its existence is important to maintain. The benefits are quite important for the pattern of life of the entire universe , especially humans cannot live apart from nature.

If bio diversity is disturbed, it will cause the food chain in nature to be disturbed and human life to be unbalanced.

Below are some of the benefits of bio diversity, namely:

1. Increasing Ecosystem Productivity

The first benefit of bio diversity is that it can increase the productivity of the ecosystem in each species. Although the role of each species is small, its productivity is still beneficial for an ecosystem.

For example, several kinds of plants that can be consumed by animals or humans, can even be used as medicines. Ecosystems become more active because of the benefits of each species.

2. Ensuring Nature's Sustainability

The existence of bio diversity is useful in ensuring the sustainability of nature. All species in the ecosystem support each other in creating a better environment. For example, mangroves on the beach can protect the shoreline from seawater abrasion. This benefit can prevent environmental damage so that natural sustainability is maintained.

3. Keeping Nature's Balance

Bio diversity is also an element to maintain the balance of nature. Without diversity, nature can become unbalanced. For example, tropical rain forest ecosystems are habitats for a wide variety of plant and animal species. So you can imagine if for example the tropical rain forest ecosystem does not exist, then nature will be out of balance.

4. Improving Human Living Standards

Bio diversity is also a factor that can improve the standard of human life. Because human life cannot be separated from natural resources from diversity at every level.

5. Provides Natural Protection

Benefits of bio diversity are to provide natural protection with a number of other benefits for nature or humans. For example, there is protection of water resources, soil health, protection against landslides, protection against floods, and others. Without biodiversity, nature cannot be a healthy place for humans to live.

6. Benefits of Education and Entertainment

Another benefit of bio diversity for nature and life, biodiversity has benefits in the fields of education and entertainment. Its existence can be used as an object of research and education, to become part of tourism.

Those are some explanations about bio diversity so that from the concept of biodiversity, we can know if the nature we live in consists of various other living things side by side.

Therefore, we must always take care of the natural surroundings so that there are no more living creatures whose lives are threatened with extinction.