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In today's modern era, Hydroponic eco-friendly technology is not a new concept. This innovative breakthrough in agriculture is cultivating vegetables and fruit with a short growing age and quality yields.
In addition, hydroponic farming is environmentally friendly because it can save land and efficient water consumption. Therefore, it is suitable for cultivation by anyone. Can be planted in limited land such as apartments or flats, as well as busy cultivators, no need to bother with watering every day to make it more efficient to save water.
If you are interested in gardening with an environmentally friendly hydroponic system and why, let's read to the end of this article, OK!
Hydroponics is a growing system where plants grow in a nutrient-rich water solution, in other words, without using soil. Furthermore, the used water can be recovered and recycled. Plant nutrients can be obtained from a variety of sources, including fish manure (a technique known as aquaponics).
Growing plants in water without soil is not a newly introduced concept. Since the 17th century, Francis Bacon actually mentioned this system in his writings, Sylva Sylvarum. However, it wasn't until the late 19th century that Julius von Sachs and Wilhelm Knop, two German botanists, explained in more detail the hydroponic system capable of fertilizing plants.
Since then, hydroponic systems have become increasingly common in laboratories. In recent years, the hydroponic system is widely recognized as an easy, environmentally friendly method of gardening, and produces high quality vegetable or fruit products.
Compared to conventional gardening methods, hydroponic farming is environmentally friendly for a number of reasons. In addition to water efficiency and saving land, hydroponics has advantages related to being environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly sustainable lifestyle .
Let's look at the reasons for growing environmentally friendly hydroponics below:
First, the reason for hydroponic farming is environmentally friendly because it does not use chemical fertilizers. Hydroponics applies a fertilization system with natural organic materials.
It should be understood that the type of fertilizer used is in the form of a nutrient solution that is a source of plant food. Currently there are many types of organic fertilizers or natural hydroponic plant fertilizers. Most of them can be made by farmers or cultivators themselves.
Examples of natural fertilizers for hydroponic systems are dry leaves, stale rice, banana stalks, livestock manure, and a combination of several organic fertilizers.
Because using organic fertilizers, the soil is not contaminated with chemicals and is not contaminated with toxic substances that damage the condition of soil nutrients.
The second reason is that hydroponic farming is environmentally friendly because it can absorb dirty air or air pollution. As is known, often the air in urban areas is polluted with carbon gas emissions from vehicle fumes, factory fumes, and waste burning smoke.
This is why urban communities are very suitable for cultivating hydroponic system plants. They can grow vegetables or fruit in a narrow area, even a vertical garden. That way, there will be more plants that cool and clean the air in the neighborhood.
On the other hand, the community can also pick their own crops to save budget.
Next, the reason for hydroponic farming is environmentally friendly because it has to do with increasing oxygen levels around the house. One of the features A healthy environment is air that is clean, free of contamination, cool, and feels fresh.
Hydroponic technique serves to increase oxygen levels in the air. Of course, this has a very positive impact on the quality of life of the residents of the house and other local residents.
Last and not least, the reason for hydroponic farming is environmentally friendly because it can save water and land efficiency. Hydroponics only requires 20% of the land than conventional farming.
The reason is, cultivators can arrange the land with a stacked pipe system to save space. In addition, with hydroponics, nutrients and oxygen are still provided in the water which continues to flow directly to the plants. So, cultivators do not need to water the plants.
It's not unusual, sometimes the rice fields have to pump water from the river with a gasoline-fueled generator. Another reason hydroponic farming is environmentally friendly is that it uses less water. This is what makes hydroponics more environmentally friendly.
Over time, agricultural land can experience environmental pollution and lack of nutrients due to chemical fertilizers. Deforestation due to the clearing of new land, creates natural disasters such as landslides, erosion, and floods. This will not happen if you use a hydroponic system. This is because cultivators do not plant directly in the soil, but rather other planting media that absorb water.
Hydroponic plant cultivators can create local food business opportunities. When people usually buy groceries from supermarkets, often the products are shipped and transported by vehicle from different locations.
If food can be produced from local plantations, vehicle carbon emissions can be reduced due to shorter distances for delivery vehicles. Hydroponic farming is more practical and reduces carbon emissions.
In one hydroponic garden , you can grow a variety of plants, vegetables, flowers, fruit, and more. Creating productive and sustainable agriculture is the goal of modern agriculture.
More and more are produced in limited land, giving great hope for human survival in terms of food availability.
Do you agree if hydroponics is one of the main options for those who want to grow environmentally friendly agricultural products? If so, hopefully this article adds more useful information to your insight. Keep reading to discover more great articles!